James Oliver – Oliver Chilled Plow Memorial & Trail

Initially started as an Idea from a group of retired Oliver employees known as “The Oliver Gang”, the charge to design and create a memorial to honor the life and history of James Oliver and the Oliver Chilled Plow gained momentum. Danch, Harner & Associates was hired to study and design the original concepts for the Memorial, and create a connectivity plan to link the memorial to the surrounding neighborhoods and local community. After several concepts were developed, one was chosen to progress into final design and construction. The image of a large Oliver Chilled plow is represented by clay brick pavers and provides the base of the memorial as it surrounds a life-size statue of James Oliver. Color information boards line the west side of the memorial and tell the history of James Oliver and his Chilled Plow. Along with the memorial and adjoining trail, monumental entry signage was designed and installed at the entrance to the new Oliver Industrial Park.
City of South Bend
Original site of the Oliver Chilled Plow Factory power house.